maandag, december 22, 2008

43 IT Things to do in 2009

No better timing than right now to contemplate your plans for 2009. And why not use good old 43Things to do it in true web 2.0 style? Until now, I have been using the site to write down and share my own personal, silly targets. Meditate more. Pick up boxing training again. Create the first Yellow Raincoat painting. Write a book about Slow IT. You know, just the basic, ordinary stuff we can all relate to.

But why not do it a bit different this year? What if the CIO would share his or her ’43 IT Things to do in 2009’ with the company. Wouldn’t that be a simple and transparent tool to communicate and share the IT strategy? And wouldn’t it be an interesting exercise to condense that complete strategy into a couple (7, 12, 43, whatever) of simple, straightforward targets that others can understand and comment on?

Or why not use the list to create a wish list of personal IT activities that we should definitely consider in 2009? I really hope that you readers – since many of you will now have a few days off – can help me to compile a list of 43 items that we will then publish on the site for everybody to see and work with.

To get the discussion started, here is my first list of IT activities that people may want to plan for in 2009:

1. Build your own mashup application
2. Become a Togaf 9 certified architect
3. Give and get one OLPC laptop
4. Use a cloud application
5. Blog about your project
6. Install Ubuntu Linux on a PC
7. Start a community on Ning
8. Get a personal KPI gadget on your desktop
9. Try an Android smart phone
10. Use social network tools within the IT department
These are just my first ideas. I am sure the wisdom of the crowd can deliver much better than that. So I’m most interested in learning from your ideas and I promise to publish the entire list once we have enough input.

And if you are looking for inspiration, why not visit 43things first and do their quick self-test to find out more about yourself? I did the test too and turned out to be a ‘Spiritual Organized Self-Knower’. Not so sure about either of these things, but sounds good anyway. If you are sharing your ideas for the list with us anyway, why not also tell us what type you are? After all, self-knowledge is one thing, but knowing the community around you, should be even more fun.
I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm an
Spiritual Organized Self-Knower

Eerst gepubliceerd op Capgemini's CTO blog

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